Automatic fire extinguishing systems

Automatic water fire extinguishing devices are subdivided by the type of sprinklers for sprinkler and deluge, according to the norms of building regulations. Sprinkler systems are divided into water-filled, air-filled, filled with water and air units, depending on the filling of fueling and distribution pipes with water or air. Deluge fire extinguishing devices are divided into the following categories: electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, combined.

According to the device’s launch speed they are divided in the following order:

  • Quick start - start time to 3 seconds
  • With an average inertia - start time 30 seconds
  • With inertia - the start time is above 30 seconds, but no more than 180 seconds

By the operation time:

  • Average operating time - no more than 30 minutes
  • Operating time is more than 30 minutes but not more than 60 minutes

According to the standards of building regulations, automatic foam fire extinguishing systems differ in the following aspects: by the construction, by type of stimulus, by the time of launch, by the type of powder distribution. Powder automatic fire extinguishing systems as well as fire and water systems, according to the type of irrigation channels are divided into the sprinkler and deluge extinguishing systems. Deluge extinguishing systems are divided into the following categories: electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, combined.

By the period of working condition are divided into:

  • Short-term working condition - no more than 10 minutes
  • Medium-term working condition - no more than 15 minutes
  • Long working condition - more than 15 minutes but not more than 25 minutes

Installation of of foam extinguishing according to the distribution of foam:

  • Low (from 5 up to 20)
  • Average (more than 20 but not more than 200)
  • High (greater than 200)